Kind Words


"Doug is a seer of potential. He has the mastery in making someone feel comfortable in conversation to deeply understand a person and their potential. Sometimes, all it takes is for someone to articulate what you always felt was your potential but too afraid to speak it.

When I was transitioning from middle management to executive level, I had a lot of doubts. What was my true value? What was my true potential? When you have ambition but no direction, it leaves you feeling frustrated and restless.

Through many conversations with Doug, he was able to ‘see’ me, which helped me break through the glass ceiling (in my head), which I now look back and realise, was a film of glad wrap. It was simple but that’s all it took.

I have since left an executive corporate career and started multiple business ventures. But it was those early conversations with Doug that planted the seed to cultivate who I wanted to become."

Elisa Choy
Managing Director, Maven Data


"I had the good fortune to meet Doug in 2018 when he extended unprecedented help and guidance to me at a time when I really needed a steer in my search for the CEO role that I now have.

Doug shared a book with me that changed my approach to my job search, as well as many hours of his time. Doug was never going to make a placement with me as his candidate, I am not a finance professional, but still the time he gave me was considerable, his advice pivotal and the integrity of his actions tangible and enduring.

Of course, when I needed a CFO, I had the chance to pay back Doug’s time and kindness and he came through with the right person for the task at hand. Together we are both transforming Performance Health because of Doug’s vision and calm sense of people and purpose.

I am so pleased to see his passion honed into the fabric of Cultivate. Doug’s integrity and values stand tall in what is sometimes a harsh environment.

It is not over embellishing the facts to say that his belief in growth formed from integrity, heart and soul have changed the course of many people’s lives and businesses for the better. My life is richer for the partnership that we have built."

Darren Umbers
Managing Director, Performance Health


"I met Doug whilst looking for my next role and I instantly appreciated his sincere and objective approach to what would be the best move for me long term.

With the experience and insights, I fully trusted Doug’s perspective on what to prioritise and focus on, and that turned out very well for me.

 Doug has the ability to look beyond the resume and qualifications and provide a broader perspective on how to align career and purpose.

 I can highly recommend Doug to anyone that needs to find brilliant and high performing people on board."

Mats Weiss


"Doug and I started working together not long after I started my own consulting practice. We quickly aligned on our shared passion for authentic leadership, personal growth and living with purpose.

Doug is deeply committed to helping people fulfil their potential. His natural instinct is to find ways he can add value to others and then follows that up with action.

He’s also a consummate connector. Meaning he’s generous in tapping into his vast network to connect people.

There aren’t many people who’s warmth and personal integrity match Doug’s."

Yolanda Beattie
Director, Yo&C0


"I have known Doug for a number of years. In assessing me as part of the recruitment process for a Finance Director role back in 2019  he took me through probably one of the most in-depth interviews I have had with a recruiter.

It was clear from this that understanding me as a person, my passions, my purpose and my life plan was really important to him to be sure that I was going to end up in a role that I would be fulfilled in but also to assess my match with the Organisation I’d be joining. 

This is so important in today’s world to be in an organisation that you feel authentically connected and passionate about. This was a very refreshing approach."

Lisa Hodgson
Founder, My Curated Life


"In the time I have known Doug, I have been struck by his capacity to slice through to the essence of the person with whom he is speaking. With one single, and always kind, question he can take a person from point A to point B.

The progress made is highly disproportionate to the time spent in these exchanges and that’s what qualifies the statement that Doug truly ‘gets’ people.

The nurturing he delivers in his business dealings is humbling. He will make you grow and help you succeed (and you won’t even feel it happening) and confidently set you on your way.

Great businesses will want to be associated with Doug’s unique capabilities in human horticulture!"

Giles Hurst
CEO, The Tax Institute


"I’ve known Doug for a number of years now and he has always stood out in the industry as someone that truly understands the value of building lifelong business relationships.

He has also demonstrated a keen desire to always understand the person, the organisation, their values and purpose.

Having worked with Doug on both the ‘buy’ and ‘sell’ side, I have no hesitation in recommending him to any finance executive or organisation that is passionate in connecting the right person to the right role."

Geoff Smith
CFO, Queensland University of Technology


"Having been working in ‘for purpose’ organisations for quite some time, occasionally I have forgotten what drives me and the first time I met with Doug reminded me of the why.

Doug has an amazing capacity to listen, distil and reframe our conversations in such a way that I managed to re-centre myself.

Opportunities came and went but our connections remain genuine and reinvigorating.

It's a precious find and I am lucky."

Bernadette O
Finance Executive & Leader


"Doug has always approached life with purpose and passion. He takes great pride in genuine results for everyone he works with, loves what he does and is a true voice in a crowded marketplace.

I’ve worked with Doug and now call him a friend. I’d recommend Doug to anyone who needs professional services."

Tony Richter
Partner, Bastian Consulting


"I had the pleasure of meeting Doug after a sabbatical from the workforce and he has become a professional confidant in the years since.

Doug is extremely personable and his international experience and pragmatic views on my current situation promoted insightful discussions that provided clarity on the way forward.

Doug’s congruence with my focus on matching my values and skills with a workplace culture that was the right fit for me, stood out amongst his peers during the various conversations we had.

I am very happy to unreservedly recommend Doug to any employer looking for the right type of people, not just candidates who may tick a box."

Damien Morgan
Group Treasurer, nib Group


"The mastery of any profession takes time, commitment, experience and most of all passion to something one is gifted toward.

Having known Doug for over 25 years in his profession of executive search and leadership within the recruitment industry, I can say any person or organisation is in safe hands with him.

You will be encountering a consummate professional and a man of integrity to serve your needs."

Stephen Klemich
Founder, Heartstyles


"I think everyone enjoys working with professionals who are experts in their field and Doug was a pleasure to work with. 

Doug is a rare type of executive search professional, one that understands what a business needs from its finance leader and knows how to connect the right people to the right role. 

When exploring my career options, Doug was refreshing in his honest approach, setting expectations and identifying the right fit both from a career and values perspective. 

Doug invests the time, has a broad network and was able to connect me with organisations I felt were like minded and well suited to. I would gladly recommend working with Doug."

Thomas King
Group CFO, IntoWork Australia


"Doug is one of those rare executives in the search industry who builds authentic and meaningful relationships for “the long game”.

I met Doug a number of years ago when looking to transition to a new role. I was tremendously encouraged by his genuine interest in understanding my values, expertise, and goals to ensure better alignment with potential opportunities.

I have appreciated his insights and wisdom on the issues of the day and how they impact finance professionals and their organisations."

Andrew Walker
CFO, Sunnyfield


"I have worked with Doug for many years. He truly understands what great leadership is and can nurture and cultivate future and emerging leaders based on sound leadership and team culture principles.

In this regard, he and his team have consistently sourced and placed exceptional leaders into organisations. Leaders who can drive sustainable transformational change through a focus on people and the application of these foundational leadership values."

Janine Woodside
Partner, Transformation, KPMG Australia