People Strategy & Culture

As experienced organisational leaders and business ‘geeks’, our expertise is in turning around poor performance, both personally and organisationally.

We work alongside CEOs to align the people strategy with the business strategy, stimulating the JOB - ‘Jump Out of Bed’ factor. Creating a culture that motivates people to jump out of bed to get to work.

A well articulated vision, clear communication, role clarity, and a safe place to work allows people to be themselves and creates the right environment for them to stay longer and perform better. We are experts at spotting the icebergs and understanding why people do the things they do.

Ideation, strategising, listening to people, and understanding what makes the business tick to make it better is where we thrive.



Thrive program

Culture determines how a job gets done (how we do things around here). Values demonstrate how a company prioritises, makes decisions, leads people and responds to conflict. Culture celebrates growth, innovation and success, but values determine what gets sacrificed in the pursuit of these things.

We are ideas people, adding the best value working alongside CEOs and broader leadership team at the decision making table. Having the right conversations, at the right levels to make real and positive impact. You need to be brutal in the initial feedback process. It’s about empathy not sympathy. Working outside their comfort zone is the ideal place for people to learn and perform at their best.

Mis-alignment to the organisational values, operational culture and style of leadership is where things generally go wrong and it often leads to disappointment and frustration.

Our judgement, wisdom, intelligence and expertise helps cut through the ‘noise’ and challenge the organisational strategy and purpose, implementing a comprehensive project management outcome to make the business better, with integrity and heart.

We are expert ‘potential spotters’ and are deeply committed to listen, discern and explore future skills that people need for their personal and professional development as the marketplace evolves.

We are passionate about organisations that are entrepreneurial by nature, with new technology or products. SMEs or Private Equity owned companies in scale up/growth mode, with a fair bit of complexity and disruption is our sweet spot.

We love the thrust and parry of business, particularly those organisations who are focused on achieving outcomes and who celebrate success.

People & culture strategy - Your investment is AUD$1,500 per day + GST

If you think we are the right fit for you, click the tab below to arrange an initial discovery conversation.

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