Keep it Real

There is no such thing as the ‘perfect’ leader.

If there was a cookie-cutter style of leader, it just wouldn’t be real.

You can’t be authentic imitating someone else. You simply won’t be trusted.

We need a new breed of leader to tackle the challenges of a volatile, uncertain, changing, and ambiguous world. We need ‘wartime’ leaders.

Authentic leaders know who they are. They have purpose, live their values consistently, build meaningful relationships, lead with both head and heart, and are disciplined to get results!

So how can we become and remain authentic leaders?

It all starts with your life story. Real world experiences that frame who you are at the core.

Despite experiencing positive influences, research suggests authentic leaders derive their motivation to transform based on moments of trauma, fear, and rejection.

They don’t see themselves as victims. Rather, they use these challenges to rise above their circumstances to understand the deeper purpose of their leadership.

The story of your life is not your life. It is your story.

Like any talented athlete, an authentic leader requires a lifelong devotion to self-development so as to master their potential and find inspiration for positive impact.

It is your experience that matters most.

Self-awareness is the foundation of an effective leader. Their challenge is to use their leadership gifts to serve others.

Authenticity requires courage, honesty, and a willingness to be vulnerable.

Unfortunately, many leaders are still seeking success over significance, neglecting to invest in their own self-exploration.

Tangible success like recognition, money, fame, power, and status becomes their drug of choice, which is unsustainable and inevitably holds them back from who they want to be.

Denial is a big hurdle leaders need to overcome. Ego, fear, insecurity, and an unwillingness to receive feedback fuels the deception.

Our beliefs and convictions underpin the values of authentic leadership. Living these values in good times is much easier. It’s under pressure when we find out who we are and what we are prepared to sacrifice.

Intrinsic motivations are the driving force of an authentic leader. Personal growth, developing others, making a difference, and taking on social issues provides greater fulfilment.

Authentic leaders also know empowering others is what drives a successful organisation to achieve superior long-term results.

As you embark upon your journey of authentic leadership, ask yourself these questions:

  • What people/experiences had the greatest impact during your early life?

  • What is your authentic self? When do you say this is the real me?

  • What are your most deeply held values? Where did they come from?

  • What are your intrinsic and extrinsic motivations?  How do you balance both?

  • Do you have a support team (friends/advisors/family) to hold you accountable?

  • Are you able to be the same person in all aspects of life – work, family, community?

  • What does being authentic mean to you? Did you pay a price and was it worth it?

  • What process can you put in place today to develop your authentic leadership?

If you're an organisation looking for a transformative CFO who leads with both head and heart or seeking to discover your 'unique purpose', then we need to talk.

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